MONTREAL, CANADA M.ARCH, 1943 INCIDENT WITH A FACTUAL BASIS NEUFVILLE SH11W The streetcar rattled its crowded cargo as an aging dinosaur might shake a mess of indigestible peas in its stomach. Eyes clung to a bar just able to hold his newspaper before his face uneasily awarG that it was scraping the nook of the small thin. man who stood in front of him, "Guts/' ho commented, naut.s, that•s what they got." Tho tram swung around a corner and a sm8ll pellet of cnorgotic pooplo push0d itself in st the front door whore the conductor was. ~ tall ready woman wedged herself into the scigc of Stc.lingrcd, crumbling it ng:Jinst his fr1co end he hod to put thG wnr olong with sundry Parlicmentory bickerings, nn snnounoement thst en albatross hnd lcndod on C8pt2in Eddie Richcnbeokor's he~d nnd ~n opisoopcl wGrning os to tho machinations of the provinoinl Rotary into his pocket. He begen studying tho fsmili&r fccsdes of the houses as they toetorod ncross the fr~mc of his vision. , "L2undry. Whorehouse. Gsrago. Doctor. If there's one we mnko Sherbrooke, I get a million dollnrs. 0 to oxcmining the people about him. I I more doctor beforG None. Ho fell I I The smnll thin m~n grrbbod a soat 8Dd Eyes sherod the I gcnernl wave of indignotion which wns nt its hottost behind the I spoctAclcs of tho thin womnn who hod -pushod tho second world wnr I ogGinst his noso. I His nttontion swung ciwoy. nNico girl:' he ~cgistcred. ".Auburn hair, re;: l b:raoosts, hot lips, too. Bit pr;le," II Tho girl ·w~s clutching tho overhecd b~r with both hcnds. I Ho odged ncnror s0 es to got~ batter look nt her. n ~liouldn' t mind---". HG wr.s trying te; catch her eyes whon suddenly she ocll~psod f 0lling l cross thG knees of o young busin0ss mon sitting in front of her. Eyos looked at her spr1~wling while the y ,-:,ung clerk with 9 surprised end indignant focc tried to pull his pnpcr from under her body. , "Feinted," Eyes dicgnoscd cc.nfidently. Tho girl's purso foll to th6 floor rind its owner beg8n to slide down sftcr it. The man m8do A quick grab ot hor and -_ I I sat staring in a frightened f eshion at the people about him with I tho largo doll form on his knees, Pnd the crumpled n0wspapor in. i his hund. - page 2 Everybody looked gr~voly bnck ot him. With 8D almost simultaneous click a series of papers sn~.ppod dGvJn :revealing a r0w of interested faces. A mood of polite c~ncorn gripped the oocupants of the rear end of the trcm c3r. The thin reedy woman brJkc this courteous attention by pushing her way towards the frightened men. "Woll, get upl" she ordered. "Of courseAa Tho young mon leept ts his foet and, as if upon a cue, the f0ur people adjacent t ~ him stood up leaving a strotoh of scat which could serve as c bG;i. Thoy :ui d the girl out on 1t end Eyos, steeping, picked up tho purso nnd carefully plaoeci 1t on tho r ~ir-rqi.e' s stomr:i ch. The older wamon bent over her then glancad up et the s i lont watch 1 ng f 0 ces • "Te11 thG c · nduct :;r t J st :J p , H .sho s a id • The thin little fellow turned to the m~n stonding in front of him and tapped him en tho shculdcr. Tho 0thor turned around nngrily. "Tall tho ccnductcr to stop. 0 Tho stnrtlo(: footures reloxe :1. "Why?" ho 2 skod. ''She's feinted," the little man snid pointing. u Oh, O. K." The second man spsks t ,j tho mnn in front of him but somewhere in the uppor roaches cf thG car the message wns lost and the vohiclo rnttled stolidly en. Eyes wondere~ whet they would to if tho cer did step. Tho 0lderly woman bent ovor tho pale rocumbont girl rubbing her hands. "Can't s cmob..~dy do s omething?" sho ecskcd nervously. Tho p0(1ple stnrod beick At her silently, sympo.thotioally. A small girl with o sellow ccmploxion, a bony serious fees and grer.t gleaming spectacles elb•:,wed. hor way through tha . orowd. "Madame," she said -the passengers lonnt forward with a puzzlet expression on their intercstod oountoncnces -"Madame, JG panse qu'il yo un medooin H le procht1ine arrete.n The amateur nurse with a gcsturo of infinite yet uncomprohcnding tenderness bent ovor her end patted her Cin tho shoulder. "Yos •" s ho said , "Yes •'' The little girl looked up at hor for on instcnt then popped back bohind the curtain of shielding b,Jdics from behind. which she had appeared. ierios The lady lcoke~ after her smiling gent l y until somebody nudgod her and tho genernl focus ~f attention returned to ~tricken beauty. The girl was moving slowly and uttering e .... ) _, .l ....... of taint moans. ~wkwordly sho set up rubbing ner fo;$bead • , .• • pago 3 " "It's a11 right, denr," the wr;man said, "You must heve felt sick and tainted." Th0 girl lookod up at her with b~nnk gray oyos. "You've tainted. It's nll right now, deer." Tho girl opened hor mouth making an effort t~ speak. Eyes leAnt forward str~ining his ears, hoping. She tried again and this timo he could just make out the furry _words. nr toel sick," she said. i'What did she say?" the little m1=n bruskly poked Eyos. !t She fee ls s 1 ck 1" Eyes replioc.. "Oh," The little man nodded as if a thought had been cont1rmod end rosurnea his pose of interested detachment. The girl stood up shckily und somobody pushed a bui,on-Tho streotoar Jerkec to a stop and the sldorly nurse helpc1 b•~ out at the ~oar. . "You'll bo ell right new, dear. h breath of rresh air will t1x you u~." Eyes looked aftor her smiling c-::;mpassionately, trying to radiato a wormth or tonCTorness ~nd secret underst~nding. The five people who hod givon up their sents jumpedbeck and one by one the newspapers sn~ppot up. ~ kind of sat1sf1od silence settled over tho stroetcer 2nd Eyes, after a struggle, manage~ t o get out his naws~Apor. · THE CONQUEROR••• BRUCE RUDDICK Leaving the details to tho Big Boys,still ot a smart ono twenty to the minute he turned the corner and disc"Jver ing tho number plumbed the subtorranean ontranoe to his c8stle. Tho woman ho embrecod ot the door oomperod favourably with c three~yoer mamory an_j l.J. -.. .L .L • vV '-..d.J ...,, -'··-·· .... _ .,_ :_,_ n C · . . so the grey scalp showed through. His eyes wore large, thicklidded, drooping at tho outsido corners. His mouth wns smooth but slid into knots as he spok~. He wore a tan sw0ct shirt vory short in the sleeves, faded green trousers and dirty snoekers. The second one worked ~t tho instep of the foot ho held, watching the thick sock eppenr and vanish through the split in tho solo as he twisted thG shoo. His bleak suit too narrow 1n the ahouldors. The scam of one arm hole hed pullod out. Ho had a smail pi~k feoe like e baby's with blue vacant eyas snd very small low-sot flet Gars. Tho third s~t strnight ~nd still, st~ring at ths·pnlms ot his hnnds, marking tho shndows curving thorn end tho deep grooved lines thnt cut. His l ~ng chin hclf 0 Jv0rcd the dirty o:Jllnr of his shirt. People stc-ppcd en tho wo.y t c, the desk, stCt r0d ot the throe man, shook their heeds, shrugged thoir sh~uldcrs. ~ smell child with a sh0rt skirt and little bluo knocs ran fr')m hor mother's side and l ooked nt the man nursing his foot. Sha dipped like a minieturo bcllorino over tho shoo, pale and fair by tho bleok-suited m~n, intorcstod as ho in the scle cf his foct. Hor mother At the dosk l0~kc( ds wn and f ,··.,und the ohil:1 g~)no, glr.inco J f~: bc,ut with 8. clartin6 mc1vomont ~f her head, sew tho ohild, ron t o her, slopped hor narr0w w~iat end pullo~ her cwny. fho mnn 1n the swest shirt ohengod his aim, lovello~ his f orof100or et the w·~'.-mAn, 2.nc1 j 0rking his thumb, snid, Ping. PJnSi soid tho man who nursed his f ~ot. Sleek ~s A pcerl tho manager appc~ro~ from behind a c J lumn, tcotcrc('I (~n his patent leethcr shce s, oemc t .:~• wards thom. The first m2n f ~:-oussG~: onrofully, p0inted his finger belJW nnd t .) tho risht -:_': f th0 meno6cr' s t1o-pin. Ho jerked his thumb qu1okly. Ping, he scid. Got him? the s00 1~:nd man askc,:~ • . Yep. Thrc,ugh the heort? tho third men asko:. Yop. Thay got up and walkod thrsiugh tho lobby, singlo file, thr ugh tho swin~-r c. :::or and ,Jnt':; tho stroot • . Tho manRGOr wntohac1 them go, turno -.~: on n ball-boa.ring and smilod at hls guosts. • • • J.~ •M'., KLEill Wo, the un10rsignod Magi of your actuarial stoff Having examined the data of tho year 1..nrJ drAwn thorcfrcm th0 horot~:)-appondod graph (Tho henginc gnrdons cf Death, sh0wn tior by tier) RogrGtfully pr~gnr stioatc a rising trend: They will inoroasc, cur policy-holders, Doomed t0 an untimely ond. wo hava seon the medical cortifiootes euau~ &Ato qsnlt• 0t 4Q.Qth; \'JO b~vo exami~ed The corpsos slabbed in our filing oob1nots; Vfe havo